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RBD Palm Olien

RBD Palm Oilien

RBD Palm olein (refined, bleached and deodorized) is the liquid fraction obtained by the fractionation of palm oil after crystallization at controlled temperatures. It is especially suitable for frying and cooking. RBD Palm olein is cholesterol-free and contains vitamin D and E. 

Supply in either Flexitank or 20 Liter jarry cans.

Specification available upon request.

RBD Sunflower Oil

RBD Sunflower Oil, (RBD is a clear, bright, refined, bleached, and deodorized vegetable oil) contains high levels of polyunsaturated oils and oleic fatty acids. This product is commonly used as frying, baking, or cooking oil.  

Specification available upon request.


Rapeseed Oil

Rapeseed Oil is low in saturated fat, so has been hailed for its health benefits and also has other nutritional bonuses – it contains omegas 3, 6 and 9, which reduce cholesterol and help to maintain healthy joint, brain and heart functions. As it is high in mono-unsaturated fats, it is one of the only unblended oils that can be heated to a high frying temperature and not spoil its antioxidants, character, colour or flavour.

Supply in a Flexitank.

Specification available upon request.

RBD Coconut Oil

RBD coconut oil is a type of coconut oil that is 'refined, bleached, and deodorized. ' This is one of the most common types of coconut oil with various applications from cooking, beauty uses, and more.  

Ships in a Flexitank.

Specification available upon request.

RBD Coconut Oil

Soybean Oil

Soybean oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the soybean. It is one of the most widely consumed cooking oils and the second most consumed vegetable oil. As a drying oil, processed soybean oil is also used as a base for printing inks and oil paints.

Supply in a Flexitank.

Specification available upon request.


Corn Oil

Corn oil's main use is in cooking, where its high smoke point makes refined corn oil a valuable frying oil. It is also a key ingredient in some margarines. Corn oil is generally less expensive than most other types of vegetable oils.

Supply in a Flexibag.

Specification available upon request.

Canola Oil

Canola oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils available. And because canola oil is so versatile and affordable, it’s ideal for making a wide range of healthy foods, both at home and on a commercial scale.

Supply in a Flexitank.

Specification available upon request.

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